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Leopard Gecko Brumation - The Critter Depot

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Brumation in Leopard Geckos: What you need to know If you are new to raising Leopard Geckos, you may have heard the term “brumation” bandied about in different message boards and forums across the internet. While there is a ton of misinformation on brumation in these internet archives, we have broken down everything you need to know about brumation.  This article will summarize brumation with leopard geckos.  If leopard geckos aren't the cut of your jib, then you can read about bearded dragons and brumation in our other article.   What is Brumation? Brumation is a “slow-down” seen in ectothermic animals...

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How to Gut-Load Dubia Roaches - What do Dubia Roaches Eat?

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What do Dubia Roaches Eat? And how to Gut-Load them. Table of Contents Try Our Dry Gut-Load Recipe As you read below, you'll quickly learn about the benefits of gut-loading your feeder insects.  But if you're not up for the task of making your own gut-loading mix, we concocted our own dry gut-load recipe, which is loaded with calcium, vitamin D3, and vitamin A.   Knowing what to feed your dubia roaches is important for the health of your pet.  Most insectivorous reptile owners know that their pets need extra vitamin A and calcium in their diets. For those who need a quick...

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How to Breed Superworms - The Critter Depot

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Follow these steps to learn How to Bread Superworms How to Breed Superworms - Video Tutorial Buying superworms may be easy.  But the monthly costs can add up.  So breeding super worms is a great way to reduce cost, and provide your insectivorous pets with the proper nutrition they need. Plus, it is very easy once you understand the superworm life cycle and breeding habits. Keep reading to learn how to keep your own colony! Food for Superworms Superworms feed on a variety of plant materials. However, the most commonly used food for superworms is oatmeal. You can grind up...

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Breeding Dubia Roaches: How to Start your Own Colony

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How To Start a Dubia Roach Colony? Table of Contents Dubia roaches are one of the most common feeder insects for a number of reasons. They are nutritious, they have a thin exoskeleton, and they do not stink nearly as much as crickets or other roaches. Further, dubia roaches range form ⅛ of an inch, all the way to large 2-inch adults.  And these are just a few of the reasons why reptile owners buy dubia roaches as feeder insects.  But, if you're open-minded, and feeling adventurous, starting a dubia roach colony will allow you to feed almost any sized...

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Nutritional Benefits of Black Soldier Fly Larva Frass - Critter Depot

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Black Soldier Fly Larvae Frass: The Best Nutrition Your Plants Can Get! The larvae of black soldier flies make great feeder insects. They are loaded with protein, have thin exoskeletons, and can be gut-loaded with important nutrients for your pet. However, black soldier fly larvae produce another product which is valuable to gardeners, farmers, and anyone who wants to have healthy, happy plants. This product is called black soldier fly larvae frass, or BSFL frass. Table of Contents What is Black Soldier Fly Larvae Frass? “Frass” is a term used to describe the castings (poop), leftover food, and exoskeletons left...

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