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Berber Skink Care Guide

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Berber Skinks Care Guide Table of Contents What Are Berber Skinks? There are 2 species of skinks that are commonly referred to as Berber Skinks. These two species are readily confused by novice pet keepers and others and there is a tremendous amount of misinformation on the Internet.  This berber skink care guide will explain the differences and then focus on the care for these species. Eumeces schneideri Species Most of the misinformation on the web about ‘Berber’ skinks, refers to the popular Eumeces schneideri.  When referred to by this scientific name, this is the skink that is indigenous to eastern North...

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Dubia Roaches vs Black Soldier Fly Larvae - Which is the Better Feeder?

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Dubia Roaches Vs Black Soldier Fly Larvae Table of Contents While Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) and Dubia Roaches may look like completely different insects on the outside, they have a surprisingly similar nutrient profile. Both insects are close to the range of fat and protein required for most pet reptiles and amphibians, and they also have well-balanced mineral profiles!  In this article, we will look at the scientific data analyzing BSFL and Dubia Roaches, and compare these results directly. First, we take a look at fat and protein content. Then, we will take a look at the important minerals...

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What To Feed Your Crickets For Gut-Loading Benefits

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Feeding Crickets for Optimal Gut-Loading Benefits Table of Contents Where Can I buy Gut-Load Food for Crickets? Our in-house zoologist has created a gut-load mix of dry grains that boost the nutritional value of your crickets, superworms, and roaches.  Our dry gut-load mix will provide the critical calcium, protein, and vitamins that your bearded dragon needs to live a long, and happy life. Why Should I Gut Load? Many of us rely on insects for our reptiles’ diets.  But even though crickets and other feeders can provide nutritional value, many of them, like crickets and roaches, are lacking critical calcium...

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Anole Care Guide - The Critter Depot

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Anole Care Guide Table of Contents What's the Deal with these Little Lizards? There are about 300 species of anoles primarily distributed within the West Indian and Neotropical regions. Specifically, they are found in Southeastern USA, Cuba, Jamaica, and other Caribbean islands. There are over 36 species of non-native anoles breeding in the wilds of the US, and there has been considerable interbreeding, so markings may be considerably altered from the true wild types. Only the green anole is native to the U.S.  All others where released or escaped pets. The vast majority of green anoles sold in the pet...

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Frilled Dragon Care Guide - The Critter Depot

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Frilled Dragon Care Guide Table of Contents What are Frilled Dragons? Frilled dragons are native to the forests of New Guinea and Northern Australia. Although frillies do come in a variety of colors, there is only one documented species. Color The body of the lizard is darker than the frill, which is often a yellow or orange color, but those colors can vary, depending on which region or country they are from.  These are unique, beautiful reptiles, made popular by the film Jurassic Park. They were even pictured on the Australian two-cent coin until 1991!  Size Australian adult males grow...

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