News — buy crickets online
Live Crickets For Sale - How To Identify Cricket Gender
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How to Identify the Gender of Crickets Just a friendly reminder that we do have live crickets for sale. But, if you’re breeding crickets, you might have found yourself wondering how to tell which ones are males and females. Perhaps you want to breed only the largest crickets in order to work on creating your own strain of selectively bred super crickets that will take over the world when you’re done, or you might just want to put the males in the garage for a while in order to avoid their singing. Read on and we’ll show you how you...
Bearded Dragons Love Nutritional Crickets
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Why Your Bearded Dragon Needs Crickets You love your bearded dragon, we all know that. They’re unique looking animals, but they need a proper diet in order to properly grow, shed, and continue to prosper under your care. One of the most common staple insects fed to these wonderful lizards are crickets, as they well should be. They can make the best choice for a number of reasons, but let’s take a look at the actual benefits and you can decide for yourself. A Quick Nutritional Breakdown Since humans are finding themselves eating them these days, the nutritional properties of...
So You Want to be a Cricket Farmer?
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So You Want To Be a Cricket Farmer? No one likes to have to run down to the store for crickets all the time, it’s a hassle and sooner or later it’ll start to wear on your wallet. Sometimes the only store available might sell insects of a questionable quality too and you know your reptiles deserve better. The good news is just about anyone can raise crickets for our scaled friends with ease. The Basics The most important part of success in raising any creature is definitely knowing the critter. The most common cricket in the pet trade...
Raising Crickets for your Hungry Pets
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Raising Crickets for Pets A chirping cricket can can be exceptionally irritating and bothersome. But not all humans act alike, and some may actually enjoy the common cricket sound. It may be difficult to understand what type of maniac would actually enjoy the noise of a cricket in their home, but if they are a pet owner, caring for geckos, or bearded dragons, then they are likely to enjoy the sound, knowing that it will lead to happy pets. But naturally, the next question is how the hell do you raise crickets?! Raising crickets is not difficult, because they are...
Did you Know Crickets are Sustainable Food Source? Check out these Five Health Benefits
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Did you Know Crickets are Sustainable Food Source? Check out these Five Health Benefits. Overview In May 2014, United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) hosted the first international “Insects to Feed the World” conference, where they promoted edible insects as low in fat, high in protein and sustainable source of food. Meanwhile, a relatively good number of manufacturers in the U.S. have begun producing foods made from roasted or dried crickets. In December of 2014, Cricket Snack Bar and Cookies passed a Consumer Reports’ taste test. Health Benefits of Eating Crickets If you are not dainty about eating insects,...