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News — buy compostingworms

How To Take Care Of A Worm Colony

Posted by Feeder Crickets on

The Care and Culture of Composting Worms  Stepping into vermicomposting is a fun way to make use of the scraps from your table. Composting worms are the worms generally used for this, and their care is simple as long as you take a few precautions. Culturing worms is easier than you think, so let’s give you a quick rundown on the whole process.  The Enclosure  You’ll want a couple of pounds of worms to get started, but you can’t just lay them anywhere. That would be pure madness. It would also be quite unhealthy for the worms, so try not to...

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STOP! Don't feed your worms these 6 killer foods!

Posted by Feeder Crickets on

What Not to Feed Your Composting Worms  If you’re interested in raising worms for compost, you’ve probably heard the laundry list of things not to feed to your worms. This can be a bit confusing for those who don’t understand why, after all, won’t they eat just about anything? The truth is that they won’t and that some food scraps simply shouldn’t be added to your composting setup.  But Why?  The simple answer is that the addition of the wrong things to your worm’s feeding can result in massive die-offs which will both halt your composting and begin to release...

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