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News — are mealworms better than dubia roaches

Dubia Roaches vs Mealworms - Which is the Better Feeder Insect?

Posted by Critter Depot on

Dubia Roaches Vs Mealworms Table of Contents When it comes to your regular feeder insect, it is very important to ensure that the species you choose will be fulfilling the needs of your leopard gecko, bearded dragon, or other insect-eating pet!  In this article, we directly compare Dubia Roaches and Mealworms by looking at their protein, fat, mineral, and fiber content. Plus, we look at which insect your pet will prefer and how you can incorporate different insects into a more-balanced and engaging diet! Nutritional Profile Experts suggest that the following nutritional profile is optimal for most insectivorous and carnivorous...

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