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No, Your Pet Isn't Dying. It's Brumating.

Posted by Feeder Crickets on

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What is Brumating, and How Can I Stop it?

If you're unfamiliar with the reptile world, then you might think brumating is a cultural trend, similar to bromance.  However, if you are familiar with the reptile world, then you'll know that these ectothermic animals get lethargic during the colder seasons.  And that lethargy is what is referred to as brumation.

Because amphibians and reptiles are cold blooded, they can't regulate their own body temperature like mammals.  This makes them highly dependent on the temperature of their surroundings.  

So when the the temperatures decline, and the seasons get colder, you're pet will naturally begin to slow down.  It's almost the equivalent of hibernation with mammals.  And when your reptile begins brumating, they will eat less crickets, they will move less, and they will poop less.  

Seeing such little activity may cause you to think there is something wrong, or that your pet isn't healthy.  But instead, what's actually happening is that your pet is slowing down due to the season.  

There are too many different pets and weather patterns to make a generalization.  But typically, fall is when most cold-blooded animals start to brumate.  So when fall starts is when you can expect to reduce their cricket or superworm intake.  And then, just like mammals, you can expect them to recover around spring time.  

One positive caveat worth mentioning is that brumation gives these cold-blooded animals a chance to boost their breeding properties.  Brumation allows male reptiles to increase the amount of sperm in their bodies, while the females can begin ovulating eggs.  

So overall, although the lack of excitement and movement may be concerning, it's actually a healthy and natural part for all type of cold blooded animals.  





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