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Health Benefits of Crickets
Unlike eating meat from cows and other big animals, crickets can be eaten whole. This means you will be noshing on its muscles, bones and other internal organs once you eat them. Another best thing about crickets is that they do not just eat any kinds of crap. In fact, most micro livestock farmers gather spent beer grains and other greens to feed on their crickets. So, unlike meat from commercially raised chickens and cows, crickets are less likely to consume fertilizers and other chemically laden feeds as their source of nourishment. It is no surprise then to know that crickets can be an excellent potent source of nutrients such as the following:
Cricket Protein
Meat sourced from crickets can be your best source of lean protein. This is not just because they provide clean digestible protein but also because crickets contain all nine essential amino acids. This makes crickets an ideal food for muscle-building enthusiasts. Every bodily function needs enzymes to be able to carry out certain processes efficiently and these enzymes need the help of protein for proper functioning. Moreover, a 2005 study conducted by experts from Johns Hopkins University indicated that increased intake of lean protein is beneficial for lowering an individual's risk for heart disease.
Cricket Iron
Crickets were also found to contain three times more iron than its other meat counterparts. Research reveals that a � cup of roasted crickets already contains fifty-three per cent of one’s recommended daily intakes of iron. Therefore, regular consumption of crickets may not only be a huge help in your muscle building regimen but it will also help spare you from having anemia. When you increase your intake of iron you become less prone to fatigue and this is so important especially if you are having a very active and highly demanding lifestyle.
Cricket Magnesium
These tiny little creatures are also packed with as much as five times more magnesium compared to beef. Although not many people are aware but magnesium comprises ninety nine per cent of the human body's mineral content. It is crucial for building healthy bones, for improved functioning of the nerves and for better production of energy that will serve as fuel for the body. Researchers from Harvard University revealed that increased intake of magnesium can help lower one's risk of heart disease for as much as 22 per cent. Furthermore, Japanese researchers also found out that magnesium intake is also one of the keys to preventing the onset of diabetes.
If you want to try something new for your protein source, might as well opt for crickets. You can buy crickets online to make sure that you get the best breed of crickets and make them your protein power house.